Campaign Template

Try: Engage Prospects and Showcase Your Product’s Value

Campaign Goal

The primary objective of the Try Campaign is to engage potential customers by demonstrating the value of your product or service, allowing them to experience the full benefits without the need for a significant time investment or extensive effort on your part. The ultimate goal is to increase quote request MQLs and SQLs while shortening the time prospects spend in this stage of the journey. By providing prospects with hands-on experience and a clear understanding of the product’s advantages, the Try Campaign creates new deal opportunities.

A critical aspect of the Try Campaign is its focus on delivering a personalized experience for prospects. This approach showcases the product’s benefits without applying overwhelming sales pressure. Personalization involves adjusting to each prospect’s individual pace and, when possible, delivering curated content based on their previous engagements and demographic profile. By offering on-demand content that enables users to experience the product without being overwhelmed by extensive details, the campaign effectively engages prospects and increases the likelihood of conversions.

The success of the Try Campaign depends on enhancing content engagement related to the product or service. This approach raises lead scores and helps identify the most engaged leads for proactive engagement by inside sales or BDR teams (MQLs). Furthermore, the campaign aims to boost the conversion rate from MQLs to SQLs. By adopting a strategic approach and focusing on these key outcomes, the Try Campaign efficiently moves prospects to the next stage of their journey, ultimately leading to higher conversions and customer acquisition.

  • Strategic Objective: Engage with prospects and encourage them to recognize the value of the product or solution first-hand
  • Tactical Objective: Increase quote request MQLs and SQLs that convert to an open opportunity
  • Key Results:
    • Increase Try/Explore content engagement to grow lead score.
    • Identify most interested leads for inside sales/BDR proactive engagement (MQLs)
    • Increase the number of open opportunities that have converted from an MQL to an SQL.

Try Campaign Roadmap

A practical plan to engage prospects, showcase your product’s value, and increase quote request MQLs and SQLs through personalized experiences.

Step 1: Tutorial Content and Sample Project Data

In the Try Campaign, content plays a crucial role, especially tutorials and sample project data. Video resources are highly effective at this stage, as they can provide both general product demonstrations and feature-specific tutorials. It’s vital to distinguish the Try stage video content from the more comprehensive training content needed later in the Use stage.

The primary focus during this stage should be on highlighting the product’s simplicity, ease of use, and the advantages of specific features without overwhelming prospects. The objective is to convey that the tool or product is powerful, user-friendly, and capable of improving the prospect’s workflow. Avoid requiring prospects to create a project from scratch, as this may emphasize imperfections or suboptimal processes in your solution and complicate the transition from their current solution.

Providing sample project data for prospects to work with is an essential component of a successful Try Campaign. The sample data should be tailored specifically for this stage, focusing on a single feature or tool that can be used to complete the final step in perfecting a finished project. Ensure that the sample project data is customized to demonstrate the ease and benefits of using the featured tool or function while avoiding overwhelming prospects with excessive information or unnecessary complexity.

Step 2: Creating a Try Mini-Site to Firewall the Content and Segment Audiences

The Try Mini-Site serves as a dedicated hub for hosting the tutorial content and sample project data from Step 1, specifically designed for the Try Campaign. This mini-site should be separate from the public website and site-map, with access granted exclusively through email drip nurture campaigns. This targeted access ensures that only prospects in the Try stage can view and engage with the content.

Using a website format for the mini-site allows tracking of engagement scores, providing valuable insights into prospect interactions. To enable clear segmentation, maintain separate pages on the mini-site for different content, allowing for better identification of prospects in the Try phase. By concentrating on the targeted audience, you can optimize the effectiveness of paid media campaigns in this stage, avoiding wasted marketing budget on moving people to the next stage when they are too early (ineffective) or too late (slowing down their journey) in the customer journey.

Implement tracking and analytics on the mini-site to monitor user behavior, optimize content, and inform future marketing strategies. The mini-site should be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and offer a seamless user experience to encourage prospects to explore and engage with the content. Regularly update and refresh the content on the mini-site to keep it relevant and valuable for prospects at the Try stage of their journey.

Step 3: Utilize Optimized Paid Media to Drive MQLs with a Targeted Audience

Once you’ve identified your targeted audience based on their engagement with the Try Mini-Site and tutorial content, initiate two remarketing paid media campaigns to drive conversions. The first campaign focuses on enhancing engagement with the Try content, while the second aims to drive conversions, such as quote requests.

For the first remarketing campaign, build an ad audience using those who have converted on the free trial signup from the Discover Campaign or engaged with the drip emails. Allow a few days after conversion before including users in this audience to prevent seeming intrusive. Craft ad copy that promotes useful tutorials and sample project data without alluding to the user’s Try stage.

In the second set of remarketing paid media ads, target users who have achieved a certain level of engagement with trial content to ensure a highly-focused audience and the best ROI. In both cases, exclude users who have already requested a quote from target audiences to minimize wasted ad spend and optimize ROI.

Forever Campaign: Continuously Monitor and Optimize for Maximum Impact

A successful marketing campaign requires diligent tracking and measurement of relevant key performance indicators (KPIs). In the Try Campaign, the primary objective is to achieve quote request conversions rather than just content engagement. Concentrate on monitoring conversion rates across various audience segments and fine-tuning ad targeting to reach the most responsive users.

After identifying a highly-focused audience with the highest likelihood of conversion, expand that audience by examining the content that significantly impacts conversions. Determine the last-touch content users engaged with before requesting a quote, and prioritize the creation and promotion of similar content.

During the Try stage of the customer journey, emphasize content that demonstrates the product’s value and ease of use. Tutorial videos and sample project data are the most effective content types for this purpose. By offering prospects hands-on experience and showcasing the product’s benefits, you enhance the probability of conversion. Monitor the performance of video content and remove poorly performing videos, recreating them in the style of top-performing ones. If, after two more attempts, the performance remains subpar, consider the topic unsuitable for conversions and cease pursuing it. Instead, develop new video topics to test, ensuring you consistently optimize your content offerings to maximize conversion potential.

By tracking relevant KPIs and implementing data-driven adjustments, optimize your marketing strategy for maximum conversions. This optimization will lead to increased quote requests and overall success for your Try Campaign.

Navigating Complex Tasks and Unifying Multiple Teams for Effective Results

For a successful campaign, it’s vital to have various teams collaborating effectively, each contributing their expertise while maintaining a holistic understanding of the overarching campaign objectives. A designated coordinator or project manager is crucial for connecting the dots, ensuring smooth collaboration and communication among teams, and ultimately steering the campaign toward success.

SEO and Analytics Team

  • Audience segmentation: Segment Try Mini-Site visitors and tutorial content engagers to create targeted ad audiences based on engagement and user behavior.
  • KPI tracking: Monitor and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate campaign success and identify areas for improvement.
  • Campaign refinement: Optimize the campaign continuously using data-driven insights to maximize conversions and overall success.
  • User tracking: Implement tracking and analytics on the mini-site to monitor user behavior, optimize content, and inform future marketing strategies.

Content Team

  • Tutorial content strategy: Develop and promote a plan for tutorial videos and sample project data that engages the target persona and highlights the product’s value and ease of use.
  • Ad copy: Craft compelling ad copy that encourages users to engage with Try content and ultimately convert, such as by requesting a quote.
  • Video optimization: Analyze video performance, identify strengths and weaknesses, and iterate on video content to improve engagement and conversion rates.

Web Development Team

  • Try Mini-Site: Design and optimize the Try Mini-Site to provide a seamless user experience and encourage engagement with tutorial content and sample project data.

Email Marketing Team

  • Email nurture campaigns: Design, create, and manage targeted email campaigns that offer additional information and resources to prospects in the Try stage, addressing their concerns and guiding them toward conversion.

Paid Media Team

  • Paid media strategy: Develop a plan that outlines goals, target audience, and ad platforms for the paid media campaigns, focusing on both increasing engagement with Try content and driving conversions, such as quote requests.
  • Audience refinement: Continuously refine ad targeting and audience segmentation to ensure the best possible ROI and maximize conversion potential.

Resource Library

Meticulously curated free and ungated strategy guides, campaign templates, and informative videos to help you achieve transformative results in your B2B tech marketing.

Case Studies

See Proven Strategies in Action

Understand the power of adopting customer-centric strategies, adaptability, and collaboration through these case studies, demonstrating how embracing this new reality can drive success in the competitive business landscape.

Expanding into New Market Segments

How a Top Electronics Design Solutions Company Transformed Their Go-to-Market Strategy for Success in Untapped Segments.

Revitalizing GTM Messaging

How a Leading Developer of Complex Engineering Design and Simulation Tools Optimized Their Go-to-Market Messages with Data-Driven Insights.


Peer-to-Peer Insights and Strategies

As a fellow B2B marketing professional, I know how valuable it is to exchange ideas, insights, and experiences with others in the field.
No sales pitch, just two professionals having a friendly conversation.

Top Discussions Among Marketing and Product Marketing Leaders

The scope of our conversation is truly open-ended, with any topic related to B2B technology marketing on the table for discussion. However, if you’re seeking inspiration, here are a few example topics to spark ideas and get the conversation started.

AI-driven Marketing Personalization
Positioning Technical Solutions
KPIs & ROI Metrics
Targeting Long-Tail Markets
Fostering Adaptability & Innovation
Sales Enablement & Field Training

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