White Paper

How to Be in Control While Following Prospects’ Wants and Needs

The changing business landscape necessitates reevaluating marketing strategies to better understand customer context and meet their needs. By becoming a reliable information source, businesses can maintain influence over the customer journey while guiding them towards beneficial actions.

Executive Summary
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Executive Summary

Key Takeaways

Mastering Marketing Foundations

To effectively guide prospects while respecting their wants and needs, focus on delivering targeted messages, creating personas, mapping customer journeys, and leveraging MarTech for personalized experiences at scale.

Prioritizing Prospects’ Desires and Needs

Ensure marketing efforts effectively address prospects’ desires and needs at scale by developing customer personas, mapping customer journeys, crafting targeted content, and utilizing MarTech.

Speed and Efficiency

Emphasize the vital role of speed and efficiency in transactional selling, and adapt marketing strategies to support sales teams by providing qualified leads, tailored sales enablement materials, and a steady flow of leads, ultimately maintaining control while catering to prospects’ wants and needs

Executive Summary


In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, B2B tech companies must adapt their marketing strategies to prioritize customers’ wants and needs while maintaining control over the customer journey. To achieve this delicate balance, businesses must develop accurate customer personas, map the customer journey, produce targeted content, and leverage marketing technology. By acknowledging the shift in customer behavior and adapting accordingly, B2B tech companies can effectively engage their audience, forge meaningful connections, and drive sustainable growth in this dynamic market.

Key strategies to balance prospects’ desires and needs while influencing the marketing process include embracing digital and inbound marketing, optimizing free trials for conversion, and streamlining marketing for high-speed, high-volume transactional sales. Additionally, pinpointing top-quality leads through prospect engagement and implementing a successful lead scoring system are crucial for optimizing marketing efforts and facilitating successful lead handoffs to sales teams. By prioritizing high-scoring leads, marketing and sales teams can work together more efficiently and effectively, driving growth for B2B tech companies.

B2B tech companies must adapt their marketing strategies to strike a balance between customer-centricity and maintaining control over the customer journey. By implementing these tactics, companies can establish themselves as trusted information providers and utilize their informational advantage to guide customers towards beneficial actions. This approach fosters strong connections, drives sustainable growth, and ensures long-term success in the competitive B2B tech market.

Inbound Marketing

Balancing Customer Autonomy and Marketing Control in the Evolving B2B Tech Landscape

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, the customer buying motions have undergone a significant transformation. As customers prioritize accessible information and autonomous decision-making, traditional approaches such as gated content and simply passing names to sales teams as leads have become less effective. This shift has hit B2B tech companies particularly hard, necessitating a reevaluation of marketing strategies to maintain competitiveness in the market.

Balancing Prospects’ Desires and Needs While Influencing the Marketing Process

Adapt to customer-driven market shifts towards self-reliance and research, prioritizing discoverability and ungated high-value content to remain competitive.

Executing Impactful Marketing Tactics

Tailor customer experiences and focus on clear goals at each stage of the buying process to optimize marketing ROI and enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty in the B2B tech sector.


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Balancing Prospects’ Desires and Needs While Influencing the Marketing Process

Creating Accurate Customer Personas

Creating customer personas is vital for delivering targeted messages to the right customers. This process involves conducting market research, collecting data on the target audience’s demographics, psychographics, and behaviors. Analysis of this data uncovers patterns and trends among potential customers, such as age, location, profession, interests, and pain points.

By identifying these common traits, businesses can develop detailed persona profiles, including background, motivations, goals, challenges, and other pertinent information for understanding and empathizing with their needs. Continuously gathering feedback from customers, sales teams, and stakeholders is essential for validating and refining personas as market conditions and preferences change.

Using these personas, businesses can devise messaging and go-to-market strategies by aligning marketing messages with each stage of the customer journey.

Navigating the Customer Journey

Mapping the customer journey is crucial for tailoring marketing efforts to prioritize prospects’ desires and needs. Identifying key touchpoints and interactions during the decision-making process allows businesses to align content and marketing strategies with each stage, effectively meeting prospects’ needs and surpassing competitors. Businesses must create and target content that matches prospects’ specific goals and needs at each stage, ensuring a seamless, engaging experience that encourages progress in the journey.

By mapping the customer journey and tailoring content and marketing efforts to each stage, businesses can anticipate and respond to prospects’ desires and needs, ultimately outpacing competitors and creating a strong competitive advantage.


Attract and engage potential customers; success is measured by increased brand awareness and the number of free trial signups.


Encourage prospects to recognize the value of the product; success is measured by increased content engagement and the conversion rate from MQLs to SQLs.


Efficiently convert prospects into customers; success is measured by improved closure rates and reduced time to closure.


Ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty; success is measured by increased product or service usage and maintained relationships with all contacts within the customer account.


Delight customers to ensure continued satisfaction and loyalty; success is measured by improved closure rates for renewal business and streamlined touchpoints.

Harnessing Marketing Technology (MarTech)

In today’s competitive business environment, MarTech is essential for understanding and addressing prospects’ needs effectively and at scale. It allows businesses to deliver personalized experiences based on individual actions, timing, and needs.
MarTech’s key advantage is facilitating targeted messaging for each prospect, ensuring the right message reaches the right person at the right time. By understanding audience behavior and preferences, companies can refine marketing efforts and provide content that resonates with each prospect, increasing success probability throughout the journey.

MarTech tools offer data-driven insights to continuously optimize customer experiences. Analyzing customer interactions and identifying patterns helps businesses make informed decisions about effective content, messaging, and tactics. This data-driven approach improves marketing efficiency, fosters customer satisfaction and loyalty, and promotes long-term success and growth.

Leveraging MarTech enables businesses to target specific messages to individual prospects, delivering personalized experiences at scale. This prioritizes understanding prospects’ needs, ultimately outpacing competitors and driving rapid growth.

Crafting Targeted Content

Content is vital for addressing customer needs throughout the journey. To create targeted content for each stage, businesses must understand each customer segment’s unique needs and the objectives associated with every stage. This enables crafting content that engages prospects by addressing their concerns and interests.

Aligning content with customer personas and journey stages helps meet prospects’ needs while influencing their next steps. Ensuring content is easily discoverable and ungated—by making it search engine-friendly and removing access barriers—encourages prospects to engage with the brand and advance through the journey.

Creating targeted, easily discoverable, and user-centric content enables businesses to effectively address prospects’ needs, outpace competitors, and drive growth.

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Executing Impactful Marketing Tactics

Embracing Digital and Inbound Marketing

Digital marketing allows businesses to engage with a targeted audience at scale, ensuring presence where prospects actively seek information. This is crucial as customers now control their buying process.

Inbound marketing focuses on attracting customers through relevant, helpful content, catering to prospects’ preference for self-research and personalization. Tailoring content to target personas helps businesses engage with their audience, build trust, and foster lasting relationships. This approach acknowledges prospects’ power in decision-making and emphasizes understanding their needs while offering valuable information to guide their actions.

Incorporating digital and inbound marketing strategies enhances overall marketing efforts, enabling businesses to engage with more leads, provide personalized experiences, and facilitate easier transactions for interested customers.

Optimizing Free Trials for Conversion

Ungated content offers increased visibility, engagement, and trust, enabling businesses to reach a wider audience and showcase expertise. However, converting prospects to known contacts is essential, and free trials are highly effective for this purpose.

Offering credit card-free trials lowers entry barriers and builds trust, allowing potential customers to experience the product’s value firsthand and displaying the company’s confidence in their offering.

Optimizing the trial experience is crucial for converting prospects into customers. Utilizing prior interactions and inferred technical needs, businesses can deliver targeted content throughout the trial period, catering to specific needs. By ensuring a positive experience, businesses can persuade prospects to continue using their product or service beyond the trial period.

Streamlining Marketing for High-Speed, High-Volume Transactional Sales

Transactional sales prioritize rapid deal closure and high deal volume over deal size. Marketing efforts should cater to transactional sales teams by providing highly qualified leads and targeted sales enablement materials.

Leads should be qualified beyond mere trial sign-ups; prospects must engage with the trial and personalized content. Successful marketing efforts should be capable of replacing salespeople with e-commerce platforms without affecting sales.

Salespeople in transactional sales may not be product or industry experts, requiring high-quality sales enablement materials tailored to each persona and aligned with customer journey stages.

A steady flow of leads is crucial, as sales teams make quick decisions on lead pursuit or recycling. Many marketing qualified leads (MQLs) may not become sales qualified leads (SQLs), necessitating constant lead inflow. Sales teams focus on deal closure rates and only accept the most qualified, ready-to-buy MQLs as SQLs. Aligning marketing and transactional sales enables B2B tech companies to close deals quickly and effectively.

Pinpointing Top-Quality Leads through Prospect Engagement

An effective lead scoring system is essential for optimizing marketing efforts and facilitating successful lead handoffs to sales teams, especially in transactional sales. Lead scoring assigns point values to prospects based on interactions with marketing content, demographic information, and other relevant criteria. Ranking prospects by score helps marketing teams identify high-quality leads more likely to convert.

A successful lead scoring system evaluates both the prospect’s engagement with the company’s content and their fit with the target persona. Factors like website visits, content downloads, and free trial interactions gauge prospect interest, while job title, company size, and industry assess alignment with the ideal customer profile.

Prioritizing high-scoring leads allows marketing teams to nurture the most promising prospects, and sales teams to focus on closing deals with the most qualified, ready-to-buy leads. This marketing-sales alignment promotes efficiency and effectiveness, driving growth for B2B tech companies.

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Balancing Customer Priorities and Marketing Control for Long-term Success

B2B tech companies must adapt their marketing strategies to prioritize their prospects’ wants and needs while maintaining control over the customer journey. Achieving this delicate balance requires a deep understanding of the context in which customers seek information and an unwavering commitment to becoming a reliable and exceptional source of that information.

To strike this balance, businesses must develop accurate customer personas, map the customer journey, produce targeted content, and leverage marketing technology, among other strategies. By implementing these tactics, companies can establish themselves as trusted information providers and utilize their informational advantage to guide customers towards beneficial actions. This customer-centric approach fosters strong connections, drives sustainable growth, and ensures long-term success in the competitive B2B tech market.

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Understand the power of adopting customer-centric strategies, adaptability, and collaboration through these case studies, demonstrating how embracing this new reality can drive success in the competitive business landscape.

Expanding into New Market Segments

How a Top Electronics Design Solutions Company Transformed Their Go-to-Market Strategy for Success in Untapped Segments.

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How a Leading Developer of Complex Engineering Design and Simulation Tools Optimized Their Go-to-Market Messages with Data-Driven Insights.

Your Guide on This Journey


My expertise lies in understanding the evolving landscape for marketing B2B technology, customer needs, and the importance of speed in closing deals. I’ve successfully implemented customer-centric strategies and navigated the complexities of technical user requirements. As a passionate advocate for innovation in marketing, I welcome the opportunity to discuss ideas, share insights, and explore the potential of AI-driven personalization.

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Darin ten Bruggencate

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The scope of our conversation is truly open-ended, with any topic related to B2B technology marketing on the table for discussion. However, if you’re seeking inspiration, here are a few example topics to spark ideas and get the conversation started.

AI-driven Marketing Personalization
Positioning Technical Solutions
KPIs & ROI Metrics
Targeting Long-Tail Markets
Fostering Adaptability & Innovation
Sales Enablement & Field Training

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